The first five and especially the first three years of a child's life are the most important , as they shape the development and functioning of their brain . If you want to enhance this stage of your children , then it is very important to make the decoration of their children's room a priority .
Your baby may not yet be able to comment on the colors , patterns and overall decoration of his room , but he has the ability from the moment of birth to absorb all the information of his surroundings .
As soon as an infant opens its eyes , its brain begins to collect the visual stimuli it receives and then processes them . Research shows that 80% of the information that children's brains receive at this young age is through their vision , hence the visual stimulation we provide them is very important .
In order to stimulate the mental development of your newborn , you need to present him with appropriate visual stimuli . To achieve this , it is a good idea to initially use high-contrast images and strong color contrasts , which encourage infants to focus and stimulate their cognitive development , much more compared to monochrome images . One such contrast concerns white and black .