Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The company respects and recognizes the importance and personal privacy of the website users' data. This Privacy Policy applicable to the website is intended to provide information regarding the collection, use, storage and other forms of data processing by the company itself as well as the rights of users in accordance with applicable provisions of the Greek and EU legal framework for data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and the relevant decisions, directives and regulations issued by the Personal Data Protection Authority.

What Categories of Data We Collect

Through our website we collect:

  • Information required to complete an order, register as a member or subscribe to the newsletter  such as: first name, last name, contact information, e-mail, user billing information, transaction information and credit card information.
  • Information about users' device data such as the IP address of their device, the URL of the website from which it came, the date and time of its visit, the operating system of the device and the browser used, the advertisements clicked by the user user, the keywords he entered in the search terms of our website.
  • Information about location data when the user visits our website either through a computer, mobile phone or tablet, about the exact location based on their device settings.
  • Data from cookies as described in detail in the Cookie Policy

Who We Collect Data From

The website has been designed so that the visitor can browse without revealing his personal data, unless he so wishes. We collect personal data that the users themselves inform us, in the event that they want to place an order, subscribe to the newsletter, create their personal account, or when they submit an electronic comment, request or question. While navigating them  on our website, certain information may be passively collected (that is, collected without users actively providing it), using various technologies and means, such as Internet protocol addresses, cookies, Internet tags, as well as the collection of navigational data. We may also collect information from third parties (natural or legal persons), such as IT and technology companies and social networking platforms.

Use of Information Collected:

The company collects and processes only those data that are necessary to achieve the following purposes. Particularly:

  • To respond to user requests  for information about the products and/or services provided by us.
  • To facilitate the distribution/service delivery process of our products.
  • To send newsletters, information or material that may be of interest to users.
  • To collect statistics about page traffic
  • To detect, prevent and address complaints submitted by users about our products.
  • To conduct studies and research in order to evaluate and improve our products and services or to offer new products and services
  • To understand how they use  and interacting users  with the content of our website through the use of cookies
  • To improve the services and products provided through our website, so that they meet the personal needs of users.
  • To improve and measure the effectiveness and reach of our advertisements that appear on third-party websites;
  • To display advertisements about our banking products, offers, and services in general
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of our events and other promotional actions.
  • To investigate the degree of satisfaction with the provided service and the services of our Bank and/or your further wishes or requirements.
  • Investigate and resolve technical issues in the provision of our services (e.g. code errors)
  • To investigate any fraud or other violations of our website terms of use or this policy or for security reasons.
  • To maintain (through updates) our contact list.

Sharing of Data - Processing

Your user data is stored in a form that allows identification of the user as its subject only for the time required and exclusively for the purpose of processing. Website visitors/users who are minors do not have the right to register as members and therefore do not have to submit their personal information. The account holder on the Website (member) is responsible for any use and maintaining the secrecy and security of his password and must immediately notify  any use of his account by a third party without authorization as well as any other case of violation of his electronic account.

We may disclose user data, except to the employees of our Company, who are responsible for processing requests, managing comments, complaints, questions that users submit to us through our websites and as long as the from time to time legal conditions and to third parties (natural and legal persons, to whom the One & Only Baby company entrusts the execution of specific tasks on its behalf), under the condition of observing professional secrecy and the duty of confidentiality and confidentiality in each case, such as : advertising and promotion companies for the company's products and services. For the details of the recipients, you can submit a request to the email address .

In any case, the Company guarantees that it will not transmit, notify, assign, etc. of user data to third parties for any purpose or use beyond what is expressly disclosed in this Policy, without their prior information and express consent.

Security - Protection of Personal Data

The company takes and implements appropriate organizational and technical measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information on a continuous basis, so that it is protected from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unlawful processing. However, no information system is 100% secure. For this reason we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data.

Data Retention Period

We keep your data for as long as the user is a customer of the company and for a period of up to five (5) years, unless their retention is required by European or Greek legislation. After the end of the retention period, the company  ensures the safe destruction and/or deletion of user data.

User Rights

In accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  users have the following rights regarding the data we hold:

  • Right of access : They can ask to receive information about the processing of your data (such as categories of data, purposes of processing, etc.).
  • Right to rectification : They can request that we correct or complete their data if it is incomplete or contains inaccuracies
  • Right to erasure : You can request the erasure of all or part of their data (if, for example, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, etc.).
  • Right to limitation : They can request the limitation of the processing of their data, where it is defined by law.
  • Right to object : They can at any time object to the processing of their data and raise objections.
  • Right of Portability : They can  request that we give them or transfer to a third party provider, in electronic form, certain information that they have on us  provides.
  • Right of withdrawal : They can withdraw their consent at any time to the processing of their personal data for marketing and/or targeted advertising purposes. In this case, their processing by us will be suspended, however this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out up to the time of withdrawal.

For any question or proposal or statement related to these matters please contact us at

More information

The company does not collect or gain access in any way through its website to special categories of ("sensitive") personal data. The user has the obligation to refrain from providing such data, concerning himself or third parties. Otherwise, the data will be deleted as soon as it comes to our attention.

The company  for reasons of service and convenience of the Users may use the practice of referral through the use of "links" (links, hyperlinks) to other websites. The "Website" does not guarantee and bears absolutely no responsibility for the content, services offered, terms of use, security policy, legality and validity of these websites. The Providers of these pages have full civil and legal responsibility for the legality, validity and security of their content and their services, and the "User" makes the connection at his own risk. Any problem arising from the use or visit of these websites, the "User" should contact the providers of these websites.

These terms can be modified and revised at any time, without prior warning to users, in accordance with the current regulatory framework for the protection of personal data.

Privacy of Transfer of Personal Data

To ensure the privacy of data transfer, we use the SSL encryption protocol from Shopify.

Controlled Access (Firewall)

Access to the systems of www, (servers) is controlled by a firewall, which allows the use of specific services by customers/users while prohibiting, at the same time, access to systems and databases with confidential company data and information.