Traveling in our Solar System Ikaros +9 Years

SKU: 400-0233

Our planet, the Earth, is a tiny dot orbiting a star, the Sun. This large star is the center of our planetary system and, due to its gravity, attracts the seven sister planets. The planets of the solar system are very different from each other. Their landscapes range from the hot desert of Venus, the red dust of Mars, the stormy clouds of Jupiter and the fascinating rings of Saturn, to the huge icy sphere of Uranus or the bluish mass of gases that make up Neptune.

We urge you to discover these distant worlds, to travel to the wonderful, unknown landscapes of our solar system, so distant and so different that the mind has difficulty imagining them. From Ikaros Publications..

  • Dimensions: 34.5*24.5 cm
  • Pages: 76
  • Translation: Ifigenia Doumis
  • Publisher: Ikaros Publications, Publication Date: 13/11/23
Useful information
  • Ages: +9 years old
  • Certifications: CE